New London PTO and Clark teachers and staff treated parents to a Family Fun Night filled with interesting and fun activities. The theme this year was Science, Technology Engineering and Math (STEM.)
Communities and parents are presented with an enormous number of acronyms — known to many as “Alphabet Soup.” Some of these acronyms like STEM make a word, are easy to remember but still mysterious as to purpose and goals. S (science,) T (technology,) E (engineering,) M (mathematics,) was introduced in 2001 by the National Science Foundation. The organization was responding with a plan to improve United States education in these areas after a steady decline in international standing.
Actually, STEM has a long and interesting history. The Morrill Act of 1862 created land grant universities. Iowa Agricultural and Model Farm (Iowa State University) was awarded the land-grant charter in 1864 by the General Assembly. Through STEM, students are supposed to develop key skills such as problem solving and creativity
The Fun Night began in the cafeteria with hot dogs, condiments, macaroni and cheese with Slushies. Families toured the classrooms at Clark to see the STEM science project of their children. Each grade level had studied a concept and completed a hands-on activity to demonstrate their knowledge. Birds’ Nests, Breeze, Magnets, Tower Building and Landslides were a few of the topics. Talented & Gifted students created Zoo dioramas.
Special guests Seth Denney and Mike Messer were well-prepared for the crowd. Seth Denney, of Great Prairie AEA, set up the StarLab and parents waited patiently to enter this fantastic dome to learn a little about astronomy and a lot about technology in science education. Mike Messer, president of Sac & Fox Lapidary Club, brought a small collection of rocks, geodes, and fossils for visitors to view and learn about. Most of the specimens were collected from different parts of Iowa. The Girl Scouts offered many fun hands on activities for all ages. Walmart surprised the PTO with the donation of ice cream machines that were offered as door prizes.
Many families reluctantly left as the night ended at 7 p.m. Everyone is looking forward to the carnival to be held later in the year. Finishing up a school year is always challenging. Kindergarten and preschool roundup are completed and a few minds are already thinking about 2024-25, which is just around the corner.
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