Mission Statement

America’s spirit once hummed with the energy of innovation. Industries pulsed with inventions, and scientific breakthroughs lit the future, thriving communities on the fruits of American-made ingenuity. But the winds of change known as “outsourcing” have carried jobs and dreams overseas, leaving behind echoes of what was.

Our Vision

Our Core Values

About Us

Our Story

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Combating Predatory Outsourcing in America and creating new STEM job opportunities in the country!

We are dedicated to fighting predatory outsourcing and fostering a thriving STEM ecosystem in the United States. We recognize the complex challenges involved, and our mission is to achieve this through a collaborative effort. We are constantly building and expanding a network of stakeholders across various sectors to incentivize industries to invest in the American workforce while maintaining profitability. Our comprehensive approach includes programs supporting STEM education from primary school onwards, fostering a culture of innovation, and developing robust certification processes. By exciting investors and uniting organizations, companies, inventors, and communities, we aim to create and retain high-quality STEM jobs in the US, attracting top talent and reestablishing America’s global leadership in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Such practice has been corroding the STEM jobs in America for decades, a systemic problem hard to fight against without comprehensive programs to support the US industries.


US industries expend immense sums of money in R&D, but not necessarily in alignment with the best interest of communities or countries; unless programs and incentives exist to change it.

Our mission, despite simple, is audacious…

To reassert American leadership in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics by unleashing the potential of its people. We believe that every American deserves the opportunity to contribute to this national revival, and that starts with creating job opportunities in the country.

Focus laser-sharp on creating STEM jobs!

Sunalei empowers American industries to see beyond quarterly reports and embrace a human-centric vision. We help them reimagine their processes, adopt cutting-edge technologies, and compete on the global stage, not by cutting corners, but by nurturing the brightest minds this nation has to offer.

Not just consultants; TRUE Partners!

We work side-by-side with industry leaders, financial institutions, and government agencies bringing together well-designed programs created to unlock innovation while keeping industries profitable, even more than before, stimulating the creation of an ecosystem of new STEM Jobs where American ingenuity can flourish.

The end of predatory outsourcing. We cultivate a diverse and inclusive environment where STEM professionals can thrive, connect with opportunity, and contribute their unique talents to the American resurgence. We believe that every spark of ingenuity of American-made talents deserves a chance to succeed and that every community deserves to grow alongside its innovations.

Innovation needs fertile ground. That’s why Sunalei fosters collaboration between established giants and nimble startups, bridging the gap between experience and audacity. Our program and certifications are created to amplify game-changing technologies and facilitate access to financial fuel for American ideas to take flight and challenge the status quo.

While our vision is to have an industry that flourishes opportunities and jobs for American-made talent, where outsourcing may still exists but as a lesser evil, our mission comprises in identifying and executing ideas and possibilities that can truly promote holistic benefits, for the national industry to create jobs instead of outsourcing opportunities, for local communities to retain their talents, and for STEM professionals to find well-paid and rewarding opportunities in the USA.

The time for talk is over!

The era of American ingenuity is back

Sunalei is not just a nonprofit organization; it is a movement. We are the bridge between America’s past and its future, the spark that ignites a new era of prosperity. We invite you, the dreamers, the doers, the architects of tomorrow, to join us. Together, let us rebuild American industry, one job, one innovation, one community at a time. Let us reclaim our technological and scientific superiority, not through walls, but through the ingenuity that runs through our veins.

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